Showing posts with label Divorce Problem Solving Pendant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Divorce Problem Solving Pendant. Show all posts

Sodalite Pendant in Silver

Sodalite Pendant
సోడాలైట్ లాకెట్టు - சோடாலைட் லாக்கெட் सोडालैट लटकन
Rs. 950/- Only (Free Delivery within India, No Extra Charges, No Hidden Costs)

This Product is available on cash on delivery (COD). If you are interested call +919840259871 or +914424837505 and give your name, address with pincode, phone number and the product will be sent to you through Vpp Post.  You could pay the amount to your area postman and receive the product. Picture shown may vary from original.

Our Address : BakthiToday Pavithra Saamagri Parisodhana Nilayam, Balabharathi Nilayam, New No. 49, Rangarajapuram Main Road, Kodambakkam, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India, Pincode 600024. Email :, Mobile : +919840259871, Landline : +914424837505

Energy : Receptive
Planet : Venus
Element : Water
Astrological sign of : Sagittarius
Vibrates to the number : 4
Powers : Healing, peace, meditation, wisdom
Source : North America, France, Brazil, Greenland, Russia, Myanmar, Romania
Colour : Blue
Appearance : Mottled dark and light blue-white

Benefits :
Sodalite helps in lowering BP.
Sodalite helps to overcome calcium disorders
Sodalite strengthens broken relationship.
Sodalite promotes trust and halts Divorce.

If you're the type of person who is frequently a fool for love, this is the stone to work with. Sodalite is a stone of logic, rationality, and truth, its energies are not so easily dismissed. This stone is also a powerful tool in developing all-around emotional health. It instills confidence and restores or renews a positive self-image. In love, as in any other area of life, we all make mistakes, but this stone will aid you in the simple art of getting over a broken relationship. Extraordinarily useful for those who are getting over a divorce, recovering from a lost love, or from just plain getting dumped, sodalite will put you back in the game.

Sodalite helps one heal from more serious issues of sexual abuse, but it can also help anyone with balancing all the issues that surround sexuality. Further, sodalite is a communicator, so if you've been having sexual troubles within a relationship and need to have one of those oh-so-delicate and sometimes uncomfortable conversations, keep a bit of sodalite nearby. It particularly helps to keep those who have shut down sexually to open up again to the experience. Equally, for people who have become imbalanced because so much of their energy is invested in their sex lives, it helps them to balance and connect with other aspects of life. And since good sex is ultimately all about how we communicate with one another, it aids our ability to be in touch both verbally and nonverbally.

Sodalite is particularly useful for getting honest about your emotions, and like its sister, the lapis, serves to unite head and heart and a few other physical organs as well. It helps to dispel what is irrelevant in your love life, and that includes past mistakes, emotional upsets, and insecurities. Most important, in matters of the heart this stone promotes trust, enhances companionship, and steers a relationship toward common goals.

Sodalite unites logic with intuition and opens spiritual perception, bringing information from the higher mind down to the physical level. This stone stimulates the pineal gland and the third eye and deepens meditation. When in Sodalite enhanced meditation, the mind can be used to understand the circumstances in which you find yourself. This stone instills a drive for truth and an urge toward idealism, making it possible to remain true to yourself and stand up for your beliefs.

Sodalite clears electromagnetic pollution and can be placed on computers to block their emanations. It is helpful for people who are sensitive to "sick-building syndrome" or to electromagnetic smog. This is a particularly useful stone for group work, as it brings harmony and solidarity of purpose. It stimulates trust and companionship between members of the group, encouraging interdependence. An excellent stone for the mind, Sodalite eliminates mental confusion and intellectual bondage. It encourages rational thought, objectivity, truth, and intuitive perception, together with the verbalization of feelings. As it calms the mind, it allows new information to be received. Sodalite stimulates the release of old mental conditioning and rigid mind-sets, creating space to put new insights in practice.

Emotionally, sodalite is extremely useful in resolving abuse issues. Because of its gentle yet powerful energy, it is of considerable assistance in restoring a sense of trust in the aftermath of trauma. Better perhaps than any other stone for helping its owner let go of deep-seated feelings of guilt, sodalite reminds us that we are meant to be happy. Also recommended for victims of post-traumatic stress disorder, it is of special value for veterans and victims of assault or accident. For all of us, however, it is a wonderful stone for daily use in times of emotional stress, as it serves to promote all-around emotional wellness and to restore a sense of wholeness, happiness, and health.

Psychologically, this stone brings about emotional balance and calms panic attacks. It can transform a defensive or oversensitive personality, releasing the core fears, phobias, guilt, and control mechanisms that hold you back from being who you truly are. It enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance, and self-trust. Sodalite is one of the stones that bring shadow qualities up to the surface to be accepted without being judged.

Sodalite balances the metabolism, overcomes calcium deficiencies, and cleanses the lymphatic system and organs, boosting the immune system. This stone combats radiation damage and insomnia. It treats the throat, vocal cords, and larynx and is helpful for hoarseness and digestive disorders. It cools fevers, lowers blood pressure, and stimulates absorption of fluid in the body.

Place as appropriate or wear for long periods of time.

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