Agate Stone
అగేటు శిల - அகேட் இரத்தினம் – अक़ीक शिला
Rs. 975/-
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Our Address : BakthiToday Pavithra Saamagri
Parisodhana Nilayam, Balabharathi Nilayam, New No. 49, Rangarajapuram Main
Road, Kodambakkam, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India, Pincode 600024. Email :, Mobile : +919840259871, Landline :
Energy : Projective
Planet : All
Element : All
Astrological sign of : All
Vibrates to the number : All
Powers : Protection
Source : Worldwide
Colour : All
Appearance : Opaque
Benefits of Agate :
Agate is a semi precious
opaque gem. It is found in many colours. This stone can be used in place of the
precious stones with equally effective results. For removing the bad planetary
effects, a person should wear the Agate mala of the colour which belongs to the
It attracts good fortune by
eliminating bad luck.
It increases concentration
& clarity and promotes good will.
Aids in overcoming flaws,
fears, and loneliness.
It has a calming effect
during times of stress, giving a sense of strength and courage.
It is a powerful healer.
Especially beneficial for bone marrow and allergies.
Black agate with their hot
energy helps the reproduction system. It encourages fertility, and protects new
Excellent stone during
Menopause & other gynecological problems.
Agate is a symbol of protection, courage and success. It
attracts good fortune by eliminating bad luck. It has a calming effect during
times of stress, giving a sense of strength and courage It has a calming and
stabilizing effect on the body. It helps to encourage success and financial
can be recognized by the sea creature and fossil snail patterns within the
stone, and is considered a stone of strength. Agate's most noticable properties
overall are balancing yin/yang energy, courage, protection, healing, and
calming. It also provides for an opening of the communication channels between
the plant and mineral world, allowing one access to information which would be
beneficial to the healing of the Earth. It is a stone to help one through
transition and to apply to the amelioration of discordant thought forms during
trials and tribulations. It can be used to dispel pomposity within an
individual, diminishing actions emanating due to a superiority complex. Because
of the harmonizing qualities of agate, and its emotional energies of removing
and releasing resentments and bitterness, it is also considered by many to be
an excellent stone for helping to heal and improve relationships. As far as
relationships go, agate is a stone of marital and romantic fidelity.
Agate enhances mental function,
improving concentration, perception and analytical abilities. Agate enhances
creativity and strengthens the intellect, making it a beneficial stone for both
students and artists. It is also known as a good luck stone. It gives one the
insight to know that regardless of the outcome, one will be the winner. It
further provides impetus toward surviving, and in some cases, winning with
Agate is an excellent stone
for rebalancing and harmonising body, mind and spirit. It cleanses and
stabilises the aura, eliminating and transforming negativity. It soothes and
calms, healing inner anger or tension and creates a sense of security and
safety. It is a protective stone which also allows one to recognize that the
idea of safety is actually the relinquishment of the idea of attack.
Agate gives courage,
emotional strength, self-confidence, and dispels fears. It can also lessen
feelings of envy by grounding the emotions. In the same way, it assists with
acceptance of all things. It can be very beneficial for self-examination as
well as examination of the circumstances one finds oneself in. These qualities
make agate superior for easing anxiety and stress. It can help one to accept
one's emotions, thereby helping overcome those emotions that one wants to remove.
Agate increases energy. However, because it is a grounding stone, it does not
increase energy at all times, but rather enables bursts of energy as needed. In
this way, agate is a conservation stone, and enhances longevity.
It can be used as a general
medicinal and to ameliorate conditions of fatigue. It is soothing to the
stomach, and can stimulate proper peristaltic action in the alimentary canal.
It can also be beneficial in the assimilation of nutrients and in the
absorption of zinc, calcium, magnesium, and Vitamin A. The agate has been used
to treat swellings and "normal" distensions of the abdomen - one must
consume the proper foods to facilitate this remedial action.
Healing :
Agate is particularly
helpful with tooth and gum issues, stomach problems, physical endurance,
insomnia. Agate heals the eyes and uterus; cleanses the lymphatic system and
the pancreas; strengthens blood vessels and heals skin disorders