Green Aventurine Wand
అవెంచురైన్ మాల - அவெந்சுரைன் மாலை - अवेंचुरैन माला
Rs. 2450/-
Only (Free Delivery within India, No Extra Charges, No Hidden Costs)
Product is available on cash on delivery (COD). If you are interested call
+919840259871 or +914424837505 and give your name, address with pincode, phone
number and the product will be sent to you through Vpp Post. You could
pay the amount to your area postman and receive the product. Picture shown may
vary from original.
Our Address : BakthiToday Pavithra Saamagri
Parisodhana Nilayam, Balabharathi Nilayam, New No. 49, Rangarajapuram Main
Road, Kodambakkam, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India, Pincode 600024. Email :, Mobile : +919840259871, Landline :
Energy : Projective
Planet : Mercury
Element : Air
Astrological sign of :
Vibrates to the number : 3
Powers :
Mental powers, eyesight, gambling, money, peace, healing, luck.
Source :
Italy, Brazil, China, Russia, Tibet, Nepal.
Colour :
Green, Blue, Red, Brown, Peach
Benefits :
Brings back blocked and bad debts.
Brings Promotion and opportunities.
Keep it in your pocket during interviews, audition,
canvasing, lottery, Etc.
Helps to get rid of all kinds of financial crisis
Protects the Heart for Heart diseases, Lowers Cholesterol.
Aventurine is a comforter
and heart healer, and general harmonizer, protecting the heart. It brings
things back into control and is useful in malignant conditions. An all-round
healer, bringing in well-being and emotional calm.
Aventurine is the stone of
opportunity and is said to open doors and increase luck in every endeavour. It
is definitely a good stone to have with you when interviewing for a job, going
to an audition, promoting a product, or playing the lottery. Traditionally the
stone of gamblers, it is also said to be an aid in balancing emotions helping
you keep a poker face.
In any event, it is one of
the best stones to wear or keep nearby during periods of financial stress, such
as when you sit down to pay the monthly bills. If you're the type of person who
is prone to lie awake nights worrying about the market, aventurine is equally
effective in calming the spirit and restoring a sense of objectivity where
financial matters are concerned. Especially valuable for high rollers of all
kinds, aventurine exerts a stabilizing effect for people in financial
positions, or indeed any situation where the stakes are high; its energy can
give you the confidence and objectivity needed to "play with the big
boys." Tradition tells us aventurine is best worn or carried on the left
side of the body, and when worn near the heart, it will bring luck, a sense of
overall well-being, and greater prosperity.
Aventurine is a very
positive stone of prosperity. Wearing Aventurine absorbs electromagnetic smog
and protects against environmental pollution. Taped to a cell phone, it acts as
a protection against its emanations. This crystal defuses negative situations
and turns them around, and dissolves negative emotions and thoughts.
Psychologically, Aventurine
reinforces leadership qualities and decisiveness. It promotes compassion and
empathy and encourages perseverance. It takes you back into the past to find
sources of disease. This stone relieves stammers and severe neuroses, bringing
understanding of what lies behind the conditions. Aventurine stabilizes one's
state of mind, stimulates perception, and enhances creativity.
It sees alternatives and
possibilities, especially those presented by other people. This stone brings
together the intellectual and emotional bodies. Aventurine calms anger and
irritation. It stimulates emotional recovery and enables living within one's
own heart.
Physically, Aventurine
promotes a feeling of well-being. It regulates growth from birth to seven
years. It balances male—female energy and encourages regeneration of the heart.
Spiritually, Aventurine protects the heart chakra, guarding against psychic
vampirism of heart energy.
Aventurine benefits the
thymus gland, connective tissue, and nervous system; it balances blood pressure
and stimulates the metabolism, lowering cholesterol and preventing
arteriosclerosis and heart attacks. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and
helps ease skin eruptions and allergies, it settles nausea, relieves migraine
headaches, and soothes the eyes. Aventurine heals the adrenals, lungs, sinuses,
heart, and muscular andurogenital systems. As an elixir, it relieves skin
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